Audio and video demos of our flagship virtual-analog softsynth plug-in, Poly-Ana.
Poly-Ana Demo Clips: | |
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Here’s another great work contributed by Dangerous Orange, “made exclusively with Poly-Ana (apart from the drums)”. It’s from the soundtrack for the film “Guile Point” by OK Retro Films, available here. We really love how this one showcases Poly-Ana’s ability to create convincing, glitchy and continuously evolving sound that you’d swear was produced by real analog electronics. |
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Poly-Ana owner, SMH, kindy created and shared this demo of the effect version that comes included with Poly-Ana, Poly-AnaFX. Here he is using it to process clean electric guitar. SMH says, “This is Polyana FX applied to a loop of clean Stratocaster. I’m playing along on the keyboard to bring out different parts of the guitar performance and using the mod wheel to bring in LFO. Patch is basically the built in ‘002 polyphonic comb’ preset in PAFX but I changed LFO wave shape to square.”
Great work, SMH! Original unprocessed guitar: Processed with Poly-AnaFX: |
A rockin’ new Poly-Ana demo video by virtuoso keyboardist, Mistheria! | |
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These are 100% Poly-Ana, except for the drums. Mistheria tells us he mostly used Poly-Ana’s built-in preset programs to make these demos.”I enjoy working with Poly-Ana, one of the most versatile and powerful analog model virtual synthesizers available today! The sound is impressive, I’ve total control over any parameters, I can make my sound aggressive or mellow, open filters or use the amazing “waveform morphing”. The demo songs “Ana’s Attack” and “Ana’s Dream” both feature sounds from Poly-Ana’s built-in presets list with a couple of sounds slightly customized by me. The massively analog approach is the strong point of this stunning instrument!” – Mistheria
We think this is great. It’s wonderful to see what Poly-Ana can do in the hands of a master. Everyone should check out more of Mistheria‘s keyboard virtuosity at www.mistheria.com |
A great new song from Poly-Ana owner, Jason Judy of CENTRIC. Jason tells us this song “features the beautiful Poly-Ana instrument prominently on poly brass and synth bass. The instrument couldn’t have come out any better in the mix so cheers to great work! … The only synthesizers you hear which are not the poly-ana is a Shruthi-1 kit which I built and sounds amazing in its own right.”
Jason continues, “For this recording I wanted a big epic analog bass sound without the epic price tag. I tried a bunch of the Native Instruments stuff but I could never get anything convincingly analog out of it. I went through a bunch of analog modules in my synth rack as well, minitaurs, mophos, bass stations. They sounded great but didn’t give me anywhere near the power and flexibility I was looking for. So I gave Poly-Ana a try and was blown away by how analog it sounded, while still being super stable and not a resource hog like the Arturia stuff. Any thick punchy analog bass I could dream up was now at my finger tips. I’ve always been a hardware lover and enthusiast but you’d need to start with AT LEAST $3,000 to try and get that kind of tonal pallet from hardware. Needless to say Poly-Ana made the cut for being the bass synth on the lastest CENTRIC recording, and was used for some really nice brass pads as well!” Great work, Jason! We love it! To hear more music from CENTRIC check out http://centricmusic.com |
Poly-Ana power user Synth-Project has built a custom hardware controller for his Poly-Ana! We couldn’t be more impressed! | |
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Poly-Ana owner APZX sent us this beautiful, somewhat trippy piece that uses Poly-Ana as the only instrument. (The drums are TR-808 samples.) He also applied a smattering of typical third-party effects; limiters, reverbs, delays, and compressors, to achieve a very finished, polished sound for this piece. Check out more stuff from APZX on his SoundCloudand YouTube pages. |
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Here’s an exciting actual song from Vim Cortez featuring a whole bunch of Poly-Ana tracks. Most of the synths in this fantastic example of synthfunk are Poly-Ana (with the exception of the sync lead at 2:21 and the arpeggiated sound at 2:37). We particularly like the juicy Poly-Ana bass, authentic sounding brass stabs, and the saw lead hook that Vim tells us this song was built around.Be sure to check out the other great funk tracks from Vim’s SynthFunkatero album, available on iTunes, a reinterpretation of the funkiest vibes of the eighties through Vim Cortez’s musical lens. Vim Cortez pays tribute to the sounds that marked his childhood — from Michael Jackson to Shalamar, from Prince to Cameo. Big synth bass sounds rub shoulders with old school drum machine hits, fresh synth stabs and hot guitar licks. But this is no nostalgic or tongue-in-cheek wink at the kitsch-loving crowd: there is an urgent, darker edge to the beats, the lyrics and the vocals to remind us that synthfunk is the angry, fidgety little brother of future soul. |
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Thanks to Phatso Brown for this new L’il Poly-Ana demo. Excepting the drums, a little added echo, and some limiting, that’s 100% straight-up L’il Poly-Ana. |
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Some very authentic sounding 80s jazz/funk in this all-Poly-Ana song by The unshushable Coktor, titled Run, Captain, but also dance. This one really shows off Poly-Ana’s expressive capabilities as a hands-on player’s instrument. Says Coktor, “Everything you hear is Poly-Ana, all synths and all drums and fx. I used effects such as compressor on some of the drums, reverb and delay on most of the synth sounds, but only to enhance the space, not to modify or distort the sounds (meaning no chorus or phasers or such).” |
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A new all-Poly-Ana demo from The unshushable Coktor! Coktor says: “here’s a demo piece that shows Poly-Ana’s ethereal qualities. It’s called ‘Jacques Can’t Believe His Eyes’. This piece accompanies Jacques Cousteau on an underwater expedition, and he’s about to make a fascinating discovery! Everything is 100% Poly-Ana with additional delay on one of the lead synths in the middle of the piece, and some bass rolloff plus a reverb at the end of the master bus. Also some panning and volume modulation in the sequencer.” Once again Coktor, all we can say is WOW! Is there no musical style this guy can’t ace? And with only ONE INSTRUMENT no less! |
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“It’s a mock 90s Amiga computer game music in the style of mid-80s or late-80s Tangerine Dream. Imagine it being the music to the Level One of some really cool “jump’n run” game. It is 100% Poly-Ana with some FX like Delay and Compression, nothing wild though to not distort Poly-Ana’s sound.” – thus spake The Coktor. |
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Nicholas May says of his Poly-Ana demo, Alien’s Party, “Poly Ana inspired me to make this track. It’s truly motivating synth!”. Great use of some of Poly-Ana’s preset patches here, as well as some processing of the entire mix at the end by our famous SCAMP filter (Poly-Ana can pull off SCAMP-like effects too, with the included effects version, Poly-AnaFX!) All instrument sounds are from Poly-Ana excepting the drums, although that deep bass drum sound is coming from Poly-Ana too! |
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Here’s a very animated Poly-Ana demo from catalog, appropriately titled Anamation. Poly-Ana is the only synthesizer used in this track. Catalog also mentions he used: “Bertill by Shruiken to get the growl in the melody track. Flofi by Betabugs for the harmony, Tl’s pocket limiter, Blockfish by digital fish phones, and Arguru’s Stardust as a mastering tool. The track is just 6 instances of PolyAna and one instance of Kore Player Free by NI for the hi hat. All synths, kick drum, and snare are PolyAna.” Nice one catalog! |
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Here’s a Poly-Ana electronica demo from Cosmus. |
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Here’s another 100% Poly-Ana demo, only a bit of reverb and compression added, by Wolf-Ulrich Schnurr. This song was featured on the July ’07 issue of the German KEYS Magazine DVD, along with a glowing review of Poly-Ana! |
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Here’s an all-Poly-Ana demo from pilgrim heart that does a great job showing off Poly-Ana’s analog modeled filters with some slow resonant sweeps. This is uneffected, clean, Poly-Ana in all her naked glory! |
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Smooth pads, biting bass, and percussion in this demo clip by construckx. All sounds are Poly-Ana, and no effects except a little EQ and compression. |
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A lot of very organic, changing sounds and a mean melody in this one from MDK who also contributed some presets to Poly-Ana. All sounds including drums are Poly-Ana! A bit of reverb is the only effect added. Check out more stuff from MDK at relivethefuture.com |
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Here’s three Poly-Ana compositions, by Heath Blair. Very evocative of 60s and 70s electronic film scores. All sounds are generated by Poly-Ana with some reverb and echo added. |
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