L’il Poly-Ana VST/AU


Download: L’il Poly-Ana 1.4.0 OS X AU and VST (32 and 64 bit). 22.5 MB
Download: L’il Poly-Ana 1.4.0 Windows VST (32 and 64 bit). 18.3 MB

L’il Poly-Ana is the new preset-player version of our flagship Poly-Ana analog model synthesizer plug-in. L’il has all of regular Poly-Ana’s sound features and capabilities, only the ability to design new patches has been restricted. But we’ve left in every performance related control. The entire simulation control section as well, including Quality (CPU), Anti-Aliasing, Saturator and our phenomenal new Analog Drift feature. And we even threw in the cutoff and resonance controls for both filters — the most popular controls for live voice tweaking! L’il Poly-Ana comes as VST/AU instrument-only, without the effect version of the plug-in as included in the full version of Poly-Ana.

100% Poly-Ana, even the drums! By The unshushable Coktor.



Download: L’il Poly-Ana 1.4.0 OS X AU and VST (32 and 64 bit). 22.5 MB
Download: L’il Poly-Ana 1.4.0 Windows VST (32 and 64 bit). 18.3 MB

Computer Music Magazine Performance Award
Computer Music Magazine Performance Award

Read the complete CM mag 9/10 review…


“There are a lot of VAs out there but Admiral Quality’s has the advantage of offering stellar quality at a reasonable price. If you love your analogues, it would be a crime not to experience what it has to offer.” – CM Mag.

L’il Poly-Ana is the new preset-player version of our flagship Poly-Ana analog model synthesizer plug-in. L’il has all of regular Poly-Ana’s sound features and capabilities, only the ability to design new patches has been restricted. But we’ve left in every performance related control. The entire simulation control section as well, including Quality (CPU), Anti-Aliasing, Saturator and our phenomenal new Analog Drift feature. And we even threw in the cutoff and resonance controls for both filters — the most popular controls for live voice tweaking! L’il Poly-Ana comes as VST/AU instrument-only, without the effect version of the plug-in as included in the full version of Poly-Ana.

We designed L’il Poly-Ana for those who aren’t interested in creating their own sound patches (programs) or who wouldn’t know what to do with all those voice controls anyway. And even for existing Poly-Ana owners, sometimes you’ll just want to recall a favorite patch and would like to save some screen real-estate. L’il Poly is perfect for these situations. To your host software, L’il Poly appears, and functions, just like the regular version of Poly-Ana. All of Poly-Ana’s advanced features are still in there, like automatic MIDI guitar controller support and the easiest MIDI-learn in the industry — just right-click a control! License keys for the full version of Poly-Ana will unlock L’il Poly-Ana as well, so Poly-Ana owners get L’il for free!

And remember, our Upgrade Protection Policy means that your license purchase is good not only for version 1.x of L’il Poly-Ana, but for the entire 2.x series as well! Considering it’s been in version 1.x for almost 10 years (and growing in capability all that time) that means it should be a very long time before we ever charge existing customers again for the same product. (We’re musicians ourselves and dislike that practice as much as you do!)

And what if you purchase L’il Poly-Ana then later decide you’d like to upgrade to the full version? No problem, we’ll upgrade you for the difference in current, full prices, plus a $10 fee. Just contact sales@admiralquality.com directly to arrange your upgrade payment.

Poly-Ana (exact same sound as L’il Poly-Ana) Demos…

At Admiral Quality sound patches and banks are always free, we’ll never charge for a sound! Download new sounds for L’il Poly-Ana from the Poly-Ana Patch Exchange.

Every instrument in this piece is Poly-Ana, by APZX.

IMPORTANT! Note that L’il Poly-Ana conflicts with regular Poly-Ana in most host software. This is intentional so that you can replace a Poly-Ana track with a L’il Poly-Ana track (or vice-versa) depending on which one you have installed. Please only install one or the other in your vst/vstplugins folder and move the unused one elsewhere. You can swap them at any time just by moving the files.

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